Sunday, September 30, 2012

Community Relations - Week 5 update

Here is an update on my Action Research Project. I have not made any changes since my updated post in June, however, I have made progress on the project.

After many discussions with my principal, we finally narrowed my research down to a manageable topic. As always, I am very broad with topics of research. She clarified how a leader must take the time to look at one specific aspect of a project in order to find a definitive solution, rather than grazing the top of several problems.

The final project is titled “How will the implementation of CHAMPS affect Tier behaviors and math scores in 4th graders at Story Elementary”.  Two of the 4th grade teachers will be helping me collect my data to be analyzed. For the first semester, I will look at the Tier behaviors; Tier 1 behaviors are everyday behaviors with reminders to stay on task or to stop talking; Tier 2 behaviors are repetitive behaviors that continue after discussing with parents, or detention; Tier 3 behaviors are severe behaviors exhibited that create a dangerous environment, results in suspension, or result in expulsion. After analyzing school data, I will analyze math scores for the first 9 weeks. After organizing the data from the first semester, I will wait to look at data at the end of the year.

In January, the teachers will be trained through Region 10 on the CHAMPS behavior management program. Once the 2 day training has been completed, teacher will implement the CHAMPS program during the month of January.  I have already been trained in the program, so I will be the teacher’s resource if questions or concerns about the program arise.

In May, when the last 9 weeks grades have been turned in, I will begin the 2nd phase of my project. I will analyze the Tier behaviors in the same manner completed after the first 9 weeks. I will also look at the math scores from the last 9 weeks. All information will be compiled in an organized manner for review.

Once the data has been organized, I will compare the Tier behaviors from the first 9 weeks and the last 9 weeks. I will also compare math scores of each student to identify if scores increased or decreased. I will then look at the students who have Tier 2 and 3 behaviors to see if behaviors and math scores have a correlation.

Once the data is compiled, I will give an in-service on my findings when we return in August. I want to present the staff with the data found to solidify the school’s behavior management change.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

4th week web conference - School Community Relations

Tonight's web conference was the best for this course yet. The other week's conferences have consisted of the same questions about ILD training, how to register for this or that, how to work something on the computer, etc. Tonight we finally discussed some great things going on on other's campuses. I enjoyed hearing about the Community Relation Programs colleagues are going to implement. I went into this course only creating a plan, and not planning on actually implementing my program until later (or when I am an AP or Principal). I am blown away by the colleagues in my class who are already taking their projects to the implementation stage! I cannot imagine adding that to my plate that is already "running over". KUDOS to you guys! 

I really enjoyed hearing from one classmate about her backpack program. We have had one on our campus for a few years, and the families and students really benefit from it. Another classmate discussed a hygiene program she is planning on developing. I am intrigued by her program development. What an interesting program!

Monday, September 10, 2012

As I was reading the Week 2 readings, it hit me that I read them last week - and it is Week 3 already!  These classes are flying by!  The 3rd reading for Week 3 was very informative. The plan laid out with 6 steps was easy to follow. I also enjoyed reading analyzing the data samples from all three school levels; elementary, middle, and high schools. The information and perspectives given will not only help with my plan for this course, but also gave great insight into relationship building as a future principal.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

2nd week web conference

I have attended 3 web conferences for the Community-School Relations course thus far. I am beginning to notice that the ILD training and questions are beginning to overtake the conferences. Participants are really getting away from discussing the course, and just asking questions that could be answered through e-mail.  I thoroughly enjoyed the Human Resource course, Dr. Jenkins was really able to keep everyone on task by discussing comments on discussion board threads, or by discussing questions he had received through e-mails.  I wish the further conferences would be modeled after the HR course!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I met with the teachers who will be helping me collect data for my Research project this week. I am so lucky to work with such willing people!  We formed a plan that will hopefully be easy, and allow mem to collect the data I need for my research.

Each 9 weeks, I will collect behavior sheets from the teachers that will document all of the "marks" they have recieved that 9 weeks.  From there, I can classify them according to our CHAMPS expectations.  I will also obtain 9 week math grades from our PEIMS clerk.  This will allow  me to identiy a correllation between behavior and  academics (I am hoping for a POS correlation). 

Here's to the beginning of school and the beginning of research!