Sunday, November 25, 2012

ARP Update

I haven't updated in a while, so I figure an update is long overdue My plan is in full swing, and data collection has begun. I have compiled the data into an Excel sheet and I am waiting on the data from our PEIMS clerk at school so I can complie attendance data.  I will show a correlation between attendance and grades, in relation to CHAMPS. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Research Update Nov 6, 2012

I have finally been able to work on my research project! It  has been a crazy few weeks around here.  Here is the link from my survey to the teachers regarding CHAMPS.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Community Relations - Week 5 update

Here is an update on my Action Research Project. I have not made any changes since my updated post in June, however, I have made progress on the project.

After many discussions with my principal, we finally narrowed my research down to a manageable topic. As always, I am very broad with topics of research. She clarified how a leader must take the time to look at one specific aspect of a project in order to find a definitive solution, rather than grazing the top of several problems.

The final project is titled “How will the implementation of CHAMPS affect Tier behaviors and math scores in 4th graders at Story Elementary”.  Two of the 4th grade teachers will be helping me collect my data to be analyzed. For the first semester, I will look at the Tier behaviors; Tier 1 behaviors are everyday behaviors with reminders to stay on task or to stop talking; Tier 2 behaviors are repetitive behaviors that continue after discussing with parents, or detention; Tier 3 behaviors are severe behaviors exhibited that create a dangerous environment, results in suspension, or result in expulsion. After analyzing school data, I will analyze math scores for the first 9 weeks. After organizing the data from the first semester, I will wait to look at data at the end of the year.

In January, the teachers will be trained through Region 10 on the CHAMPS behavior management program. Once the 2 day training has been completed, teacher will implement the CHAMPS program during the month of January.  I have already been trained in the program, so I will be the teacher’s resource if questions or concerns about the program arise.

In May, when the last 9 weeks grades have been turned in, I will begin the 2nd phase of my project. I will analyze the Tier behaviors in the same manner completed after the first 9 weeks. I will also look at the math scores from the last 9 weeks. All information will be compiled in an organized manner for review.

Once the data has been organized, I will compare the Tier behaviors from the first 9 weeks and the last 9 weeks. I will also compare math scores of each student to identify if scores increased or decreased. I will then look at the students who have Tier 2 and 3 behaviors to see if behaviors and math scores have a correlation.

Once the data is compiled, I will give an in-service on my findings when we return in August. I want to present the staff with the data found to solidify the school’s behavior management change.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

4th week web conference - School Community Relations

Tonight's web conference was the best for this course yet. The other week's conferences have consisted of the same questions about ILD training, how to register for this or that, how to work something on the computer, etc. Tonight we finally discussed some great things going on on other's campuses. I enjoyed hearing about the Community Relation Programs colleagues are going to implement. I went into this course only creating a plan, and not planning on actually implementing my program until later (or when I am an AP or Principal). I am blown away by the colleagues in my class who are already taking their projects to the implementation stage! I cannot imagine adding that to my plate that is already "running over". KUDOS to you guys! 

I really enjoyed hearing from one classmate about her backpack program. We have had one on our campus for a few years, and the families and students really benefit from it. Another classmate discussed a hygiene program she is planning on developing. I am intrigued by her program development. What an interesting program!

Monday, September 10, 2012

As I was reading the Week 2 readings, it hit me that I read them last week - and it is Week 3 already!  These classes are flying by!  The 3rd reading for Week 3 was very informative. The plan laid out with 6 steps was easy to follow. I also enjoyed reading analyzing the data samples from all three school levels; elementary, middle, and high schools. The information and perspectives given will not only help with my plan for this course, but also gave great insight into relationship building as a future principal.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

2nd week web conference

I have attended 3 web conferences for the Community-School Relations course thus far. I am beginning to notice that the ILD training and questions are beginning to overtake the conferences. Participants are really getting away from discussing the course, and just asking questions that could be answered through e-mail.  I thoroughly enjoyed the Human Resource course, Dr. Jenkins was really able to keep everyone on task by discussing comments on discussion board threads, or by discussing questions he had received through e-mails.  I wish the further conferences would be modeled after the HR course!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I met with the teachers who will be helping me collect data for my Research project this week. I am so lucky to work with such willing people!  We formed a plan that will hopefully be easy, and allow mem to collect the data I need for my research.

Each 9 weeks, I will collect behavior sheets from the teachers that will document all of the "marks" they have recieved that 9 weeks.  From there, I can classify them according to our CHAMPS expectations.  I will also obtain 9 week math grades from our PEIMS clerk.  This will allow  me to identiy a correllation between behavior and  academics (I am hoping for a POS correlation). 

Here's to the beginning of school and the beginning of research!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Week 1 of my Research

I am starting my project this week!  Let's see -  aides hours being cut, internship requirements, lesson plans for 7 grades each day, class requirements,  team lead duties, wife, laundry, mommy duties, cooking - no this girly is NOT stressed at ALL!  I always seem to get it all done, but I think my coveted 8 hrs of sleep each night is going to be a memory.....

My first meeting is on Thurs with the teachers who will be helping me collect my data. I think my discovery of "dropbox" and becoming more familiar with blogging and goole docs will be my savior!  I can work anywhere now!!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Back 2 School, Back 2 Work

I am back at school - where did summer go?  I hope to get with some teacher friends to get my research plan underway school starts!  I am currently praying for time managment and reminders that I can handle this!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

I am digging deep into the next course. This is one of the classes I have been exctied about.  I am having a difficult time with the current assignment because it is summer - I sure wish the course was adjusted for that! It is hard to interview people when they are onvacation. Has anyone else had difficutly completing the assignment?

Looking into conflict is interesting. I have never thought about the short/long term effects of certain actions by co-workers. I am enjoying emailing my teacher friends to dicuss their thoughts on conflct. The results have been vey different!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Final Final Revison to Action Reseach Plan

Action Research Plan
 Revision 6/27/2012
Research Question: Behavior molds us into the person we are, and the person we are to be become. When looking at behavior of students, their academics are rightly affected. During the 2011-2012 school year, an increase in tiered behaviors, as well as a decrease in test scores was evident on our campus. Will the implementation of a new behavioral management program result in an increase in the academic achievement and decrease the tiered behaviors at Story Elementary.  Do the students with low test scores and poor behavior; also have a poor attendance record?
Goal/Outcome: If a correlation between the new behavior management program and test scores proves to be positive, administrators will look into training all staff members on the CHAMPS training.  I will assist the administration with staff development on the trainings and aide in the implementation school wide. 
Notes: During my research, I will be looking at academic data from students at Story Elementary. During my investigation, I hope to discover how a behavior intervention program will affect the academics of our student. I am hoping to show a positive correlation between the two sets of data. I will look at the number of tiered behavior* interventions as well as academic data. I will also look at the correlation of behavior and academics with attendance.  I would like to see if the program creates a positive impact on their academics, as well as a decrease in tiered behavior interventions.
*Tier behaviors will be set by school administration and teachers during the 1st week of in-service. The graphic model will be added to my plan documents when finalized.

Action Steps(s):
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Compile a list of tiered behaviors that the 4th grade team will use
Aug 2012 - Sept 2012
Excel or Word
Create a graphic representation of the behavior tiers and the respective behaviors seen in each tier
Identify class average in math scores for beginning 9 weeks
Aug 2012 - Nov 2012
AWARE/ Skyward data program, EXCEL
Generate the class average of 2 4th grade classes in math
Identify class average in math scores for ending 9 weeks
Aug 2012 - June 2013
AWARE/Skyward data program, EXCEL
Generate the class average of 2 4th grade classes in math
Comparison chart

Aug 2012 - June 2013
AWARE data, SKYWARD data,
Compare academic data form BOY and EOY
Chart tier behaviors
Aug 2012 – Dec 2012
Tally sheets from teachers
Compile data from teachers into excel to look at which tier behaviors occur Chart tier behaviors in their classroom before CHAMPS implementation
Chart tier behaviors
Jan 2013 – June 2013
Tally sheets form teachers
Compile data from teachers into excel to look at which tier behaviors occur Chart tier behaviors in their classroom after CHAMPS implementation
Compile a list of attendance records for those students who score below range on test scores, as well as those who fall on the tiered behavior chart

Aug 2011 – June 2013
EXCEL, attendance data from Skyward
Use the data collected to create a graphic representation of all the data collected. Look to see if there is a correlation between the attendance & behavior and/or attendance & academics in the 2 4th grade classes

Thursday, June 28, 2012


After my meeting with my Principal yesterday, my plan has changed, and I have implemented an over haul.  Apparently, I was making things too hard  (for those who know me- imagine that!)  She helped me simplify my plan, and I will be posting soon.  Also, rather than looking at 3rd graders, I will be looking strictly at 4th grade because they will not be implemetning CHAMPS until 2nd semester, unlike other grade levels.  Some of her thought processess have changed over the summer, too!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Amendenments & Comments

I am trying to wrap my thoughts around the revisions to my ARP.  I have recieved comments from classmates, and looked at other's ARP for ideas.  I look foward to my meeting with my Principal tomorrow to discuss some things.  Below are a few of the comments I have recieved thus far, and my plan for implemention.

I think that this will be an interesting topic for research and I believe that it will provide opportunities to look at not just math scores but all subjects. I am not familiar with the CHAMPS behavior program but I do know that student miss valuable instructional time when teachers have to spend a majority of their time dealing with discipline issues. I look forward to learning more about your discipline program as we follow your research.
This comment does not change or amend my ARP draft plan, but I am reasssured knowing that this is a common topic on other campuses as well.

Great student group to focus on! Having knowledge of CHAMPS and working with behavior students, I think you have a project with good documentation possibilities. I think you will find that the CHAMPS verbage used with students and their responses can easily document the frequency of redirect, the success of redirect and the response

Until this comment, I had not thought about looking into the positive behaviors teachers experience and their correltion to test scores. This may be something I add to my plan. 

Will you also correlate their attendance in math to the grand scheme of things? One year I had extreme behavior issues with 4 students and implemented a behavior modification program.Due to their attendance being so poor, I felt that the program did not honestly affect them in the way it could do to the inconsistent lessons they received. If attendance is an issue for some of your students, how will you address that aspect to make the CHAMPS implementation consistent?

After reading this comment, I realized what an important aspect I was leaving out of my ARP!  I absolutely need to look at attendence.  This could be a major contributing factor to some of the students acadmic gaps, thus creating behavioral weaknesses. I have already amended my plan to look at the attendence for the students who have below average test scores, as well as excessive office referrals or behavioral consequences.

I am very thankful for the feedback I have recieved thus far. I am also glad that I am recieving honest feedback- I am always looking for ways to improve.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Action Research Project Plan

Action Planning Template – REVISIONS
Research Question: Behavior molds us into the person we are, and the person we are to be become. When looking at behavior of 3rd graders, their academics are rightly affected; whether it be positively or negatively. During the 2011-2012 school year, an increase in office referrals and a decrease in test scores was evident by our campus administrators. Will the implementation of a new behavioral management program, during the 2012-2013 school year, result in an increase in the district and state math test scores of 3rd graders at Story Elementary. Will the implementation also affect the math scores of the 2012- 2013 4th graders, who were 3rd graders in 2011-2012 when the program was not in place?  Will research show an increase in the math test scores of students from 3rd grade to 4th grade with the implementation of the new program?

Goal/Outcome: If a correlation between the new behavior management program and test scores proves to be positive, administrators will look into training all staff members on the CHAMPS training.  I will assist the administration with staff development on the trainings and aide in the implementation of the program school wide. 

Notes: During my research, I will be looking at test scores from our 3rd and 4th graders at Story Elementary. During my investigation, I hope to discover if a behavior intervention program, specifically named CHAMPS, will affect the math district and state test scores of our students positively. I am hoping to show a positive correlation between the two sets of data. I will look at the number of office referrals, as well as testing data to compile my results. In researching, I will evaluate the effects of the behavior intervention program, CHAMPS, on the 4th graders, who were last year’s 3rd graders. The research will show if there was a positive impact on their test scores, as well as a decrease in the number of office referrals during a set period of time.

The dates were chosen to correspond with our district and state testing dates and evaluations.

To Disseminate the findings: In order to disseminate the findings, I will begin with my site supervisor, my principal. When initially discussing my action research project, this was something she herself was interested in researching. She wants to use my research to prove to the staff that the behavior intervention program, CHAMPS, that she wants to implement campus wide, is truly beneficial to our students. Once she and I have reviewed the findings, I will present the findings to the staff during a staff development meeting.  My research will lay the ground work for the principal to begin her training on CHAMPS. 

Assessment: In order to assess the findings, I will look at several areas. I will look at correlations between data without the CHAMPS program, and data with the implementation of the CHAMPS program. To begin, I will look at office referral data. For a positive correlation, the number of office referrals will need to show a decrease across all areas from the previous year. A negative correlation will show an increase or no change in the number office referrals.  When looking at the math testing data, I will be looking at an increase or decrease in percentages from 2011-2012 school year compared to 2012-2013 school year. An increase in scores will represent a positive correlation, with a decrease representing a negative correlation.

Action Steps(s):
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Compile a list of the number of office referrals by 3rd grade from Aug - Dec 2011

Aug 2012 – Dec 2012
Access to number of office referrals by 3rd grade teachers in 2011
Code students in an excel sheet to see how many students were referred to the office, as well as look at those students who had more than one referral
Compile a list of the number of office referrals by 3rd grade from
Jan – May 2012

Aug 2012 – Dec 2012
Access to number of office referrals by 3rd grade teachers from Jan – May 2012
Code students in an excel sheet to see how many students were referred to the office, as well as look at those students who had more than one referral
Compile a list of the number of office referrals by 3rd grade from Aug – Dec 2012

Aug 2012 – Jan 2013

Access to number of office referrals by 3rd grade teachers from Aug – Dec 2012

Code students in an excel sheet to see how many students were referred to the office, as well as look at those students who had more than one referral
Compile a list of the number of office referrals by 3rd grade from
Jan – May 2013

Jan – June 2013
Access to number of office referrals by 3rd grade teachers from Jan – June 2013
Code students in an excel sheet to see how many students were referred to the office, as well as look at those students who had more than one referral

Compile a list of the number of office referrals by 4th grade from Aug – Dec 2012

Aug 2012 – Jan 2013

Access to number of office referrals by 4th grade teachers from Aug – Dec 2012

Code students in an excel sheet to see how many students were referred to the office, as well as look at those students who had more than one referral

Compile a list of the number of office referrals by 4th grade from
Jan – May 2013

Jan – June 2013
Access to number of office referrals by 4th  grade teachers from Jan – June 2013

Analyze decrease/increase in office referrals from each time period from year to year

-       Aug – Dec 2011 vs Aug - Dec 2012
-       Jan – May 2012 vs Jan – May 2013
-       3rd grade to 3rd grade
-       3rd grade to 4th grade
Aug 2012 – June 2013
Excel, data found from office referrals
Create a chart or graph to evaluate my findings
Gather and interpret math test scores from 2011 benchmark scores
-       How many did not meet expectations
-       Break down by percentages
-       3rd grade
-       4th grade

Aug 2012 – Dec 2012
Excel, AWARE testing data
Create a graphic representation of data
Gather and interpret math test scores from 2012 simulation scores
-       How many did not meet expectations
-       Break down by percentages
-       3rd grade
-       4th grade
Dec 2012 – March 2013
Excel, AWARE testing data
Create a graphic representation of data
Gather and interpret math test scores from 2012 STAAR scores
-       How many did not meet expectations
-       Break down by percentages
-       3rd grade
-       4th grade

Oct 2012 – Dec 2012
Excel, STAAR data from the state
Create a graphic representation of data
Gather and interpret math test scores from 2012 benchmark scores
-       How many did not meet expectations
-       Break down by percentages
-       3rd grade
-       4th grade

Oct 2012 – Dec 2012
Excel, AWARE testing data
Create a graphic representation of data
Gather and interpret math test scores from 2013 simulation scores
-       How many did not meet expectations
-       Break down by percentages
-       3rd grade
-       4th grade
Jan 2013 – March 2013
Excel, AWARE testing data
Create a graphic representation of data
Gather and interpret math test scores from 2013 STAAR scores
-       How many did not meet expectations
-       Break down by percentages

March 2013 – June 2013
Excel, STAAR testing data from the state
Create a graphic representation of data
Show an increase/decrease in math benchmark scores from 2011 to 2012

Sept 2012 – Dec 2013
Excel, AWARE testing data
Create a graphic representation of data
Show an increase/decrease in math simulation scores from 2012 to 2013

Feb 2013 – June 2013
Excel, AWARE testing data
Create a graphic representation of data
Show an increase/decrease in math STAAR scores from 2012 to 2013

March 2013 – June 2013
Excel, STAAR testing data from the state
Create a graphic representation of data
Compare the number of office referrals to the math testing data

Aug 2011 – June 2013
EXCEL, testing data, office referral data from previous assessments
Use the data collected to create a graphic representation of all the data collected. Find a correlation between testing data and behavior, if any