Thursday, July 19, 2012

I am digging deep into the next course. This is one of the classes I have been exctied about.  I am having a difficult time with the current assignment because it is summer - I sure wish the course was adjusted for that! It is hard to interview people when they are onvacation. Has anyone else had difficutly completing the assignment?

Looking into conflict is interesting. I have never thought about the short/long term effects of certain actions by co-workers. I am enjoying emailing my teacher friends to dicuss their thoughts on conflct. The results have been vey different!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Final Final Revison to Action Reseach Plan

Action Research Plan
 Revision 6/27/2012
Research Question: Behavior molds us into the person we are, and the person we are to be become. When looking at behavior of students, their academics are rightly affected. During the 2011-2012 school year, an increase in tiered behaviors, as well as a decrease in test scores was evident on our campus. Will the implementation of a new behavioral management program result in an increase in the academic achievement and decrease the tiered behaviors at Story Elementary.  Do the students with low test scores and poor behavior; also have a poor attendance record?
Goal/Outcome: If a correlation between the new behavior management program and test scores proves to be positive, administrators will look into training all staff members on the CHAMPS training.  I will assist the administration with staff development on the trainings and aide in the implementation school wide. 
Notes: During my research, I will be looking at academic data from students at Story Elementary. During my investigation, I hope to discover how a behavior intervention program will affect the academics of our student. I am hoping to show a positive correlation between the two sets of data. I will look at the number of tiered behavior* interventions as well as academic data. I will also look at the correlation of behavior and academics with attendance.  I would like to see if the program creates a positive impact on their academics, as well as a decrease in tiered behavior interventions.
*Tier behaviors will be set by school administration and teachers during the 1st week of in-service. The graphic model will be added to my plan documents when finalized.

Action Steps(s):
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Compile a list of tiered behaviors that the 4th grade team will use
Aug 2012 - Sept 2012
Excel or Word
Create a graphic representation of the behavior tiers and the respective behaviors seen in each tier
Identify class average in math scores for beginning 9 weeks
Aug 2012 - Nov 2012
AWARE/ Skyward data program, EXCEL
Generate the class average of 2 4th grade classes in math
Identify class average in math scores for ending 9 weeks
Aug 2012 - June 2013
AWARE/Skyward data program, EXCEL
Generate the class average of 2 4th grade classes in math
Comparison chart

Aug 2012 - June 2013
AWARE data, SKYWARD data,
Compare academic data form BOY and EOY
Chart tier behaviors
Aug 2012 – Dec 2012
Tally sheets from teachers
Compile data from teachers into excel to look at which tier behaviors occur Chart tier behaviors in their classroom before CHAMPS implementation
Chart tier behaviors
Jan 2013 – June 2013
Tally sheets form teachers
Compile data from teachers into excel to look at which tier behaviors occur Chart tier behaviors in their classroom after CHAMPS implementation
Compile a list of attendance records for those students who score below range on test scores, as well as those who fall on the tiered behavior chart

Aug 2011 – June 2013
EXCEL, attendance data from Skyward
Use the data collected to create a graphic representation of all the data collected. Look to see if there is a correlation between the attendance & behavior and/or attendance & academics in the 2 4th grade classes