Saturday, August 17, 2013

What next?

Well, I have all my data collected - but I am having a hard time visualizing how to put it all together!  Hoping my next class will give me some insight (especially since it is the last class!)

Monday, February 11, 2013


I am in the mid point class, class 7. I have completed several activites to get "caught up" this week. I updated my internship plan and completed write up for my Action Research Project.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Week 3 update - where am I in my research?

Week 3 Assignment, Part 3
Draft Action Research Project Progress Report

A.      CHAMPS: The effect of a behavioral management program on math scores

B.      Data Review

During the 2011-2012 school year, data was reviewed by our building administrators. Administration was looking for a correlation between the increase of behavior problems and the test scores by sub populations. Administration also noted behavior concerns expressed by teachers in their classrooms. Teachers felt that student’s behavior was causing their decrease in test scores.  The data below is a report of the math testing data for the students.

Beginning of year math data showed the following results

Student group
Average Score
Difference from average
3rd grade, all students
Economically Disadvantaged
African American/Black

12 week benchmark data showed the following results:

Student group
Average Score
Difference from average
Difference from beginning of year
3rd grade, all students
Economically Disadvantaged
African American/Black

February STAAR simulation testing data showed the following results

Student Group
Average Score
Difference from Average
Difference from benchmark data
Difference from beginning of year
3rd grade, all students
Economically disadvantaged
African American/Black

Current data from 2012-2013 school year

Times rule was broken by a student
1st 9 weeks
Times rule was broken by a student
2nd 9 weeks
Times rule was broken by a student
3rd 9 weeks
Times rule was broken by a student
4th 9 weeks
Follow teacher directions
Have supplies ready for learning
Keep hands, feet, and objects to self
Turn in completed tasks on time
Wait for permission to speak


1st 9 weeks
2nd 9 weeks
3rd 9 weeks
4th 9 weeks
Warning – in folder
Office Referral
In school suspension
Out of school suspension


12 week benchmark

Student group
Average Score
Difference from average
4th grade, all student
Economically Disadvantaged
African American/Black

C.      Will the implementation of the CHAMPS program during the 2012-2013 have an effect on math scores for students in 4th grade?  Research collected during this school year will allow me to effectively answer this question. Research will review each sub set of students to compare averages, gains, and losses. Research will also review the attendance records and behavior charts of the respected students.
1.       Increase of 3% or more in math scores within each subset of students
2.       Decrease of 5 conduct marks or more in each of the 5 recorded behaviors
                        3.       Increase of 5 or more in overall attendance


D.      In discussions with administration on my campus as well as review of testing data of our 3rd graders, we felt that research needed to be conducted for this group of students. After compiling testing data and reviewing the trends, it was determined that the same group of students would be followed the next school year in order to compile the needed data to determine if the CHAMPS program has a positive correlation on math grades. In research conducted by Schindler, “there is a strong correlation between school climate and student achievement” (2009).  This statement helped lay the foundation for the research. In review of others research, I was able to provide evidence with their research, that I should find a correlation between math scores and behavior. Harry Wong has completed countless studies in classrooms as well as academic achievement. In one study, Wong states that the “number one factor governing student learning is Classroom Management” (1998). This statement gives further evidence that classroom management has a profound impact on the achievement of our students. 



Shindler, J., Jones, A., Williams, A., Taylor, C. & Cadenas, H (2009) Exploring Below the Surface: School Climate Assessment and Improvement as the Key to Bridging the Achievement Gap A Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, Seattle WA. January, 2009

 Wang, Haertel, and Walberg. “What Helps Students Learn?” Educational Leadership, December 1993/January, 1994.

Wong, Harry and Rosemary. (1998). The First Days of School. Mountain View, CA: Harry K. Wong Publications, p. 82 and 167.

E.     The vision of the action research project has been shared with staff on my campus. Through staff development, updates through my research blog, and updates through staff email, I have kept staff up to date with the research I am conducting as well as the evidence provided.
F.       I have led the research project independently. Meeting with my principal have allowed me to make changes to the project timeline as needed.  Responsibilities to collect behavioral data and conduct sheets have been given to two fourth grade teachers who have agreed to help collect data for the research project. I have also delegated our office clerk to print off reports for office referral data and student’s grades at the end of each 9 week period. Periodic updates are noted on my blog as a reference for professors and myself to compile all the necessary data for the research.
G.     The initial needs assessment from the testing data and teacher observation was the initial driving force behind my research.  All k-4 teachers on our campus were told they must be trained in the CHAMPS program by the end of the 2013 school year. Reports from teachers included not understanding the driving force for the decision and wondering why their classroom management needed revamping when their test scores were “just fine”. Periodic updates have allowed teachers to reflect on their practices and understand the principals thoughts when deciding to implement the program. Through the research I plan to prove why we need a universal classroom management system on our campus and how the implementation of this particular program will increase our math scores of students in 4th grade.
H.      The research will provide evidence to teachers, staff, students and parents that a school-wide behavior management program is effective to increase the test scores of students. Furthermore, the data will show that the program showed an increase in test scores of our sub-populations. Through the research, the effectiveness of the program will be proved through the evidence of test scores. One of the pivotal foundations of the CHAMPS program is the effectiveness the consistency and guidelines provides for students.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

ARP update January

Another update on my ARP. I have collected data from 1st and 2nd 9 weeks in regards to behavior.  I have gathered office data from 1st sesmeter, but I need to see if a report can be run to seperate the data.... Now that the teachers have attended traning and are implementing the CHAMPS program in their classrooms, I can begin to put my data together into a report.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

ARP Update

I haven't updated in a while, so I figure an update is long overdue My plan is in full swing, and data collection has begun. I have compiled the data into an Excel sheet and I am waiting on the data from our PEIMS clerk at school so I can complie attendance data.  I will show a correlation between attendance and grades, in relation to CHAMPS. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Research Update Nov 6, 2012

I have finally been able to work on my research project! It  has been a crazy few weeks around here.  Here is the link from my survey to the teachers regarding CHAMPS.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Community Relations - Week 5 update

Here is an update on my Action Research Project. I have not made any changes since my updated post in June, however, I have made progress on the project.

After many discussions with my principal, we finally narrowed my research down to a manageable topic. As always, I am very broad with topics of research. She clarified how a leader must take the time to look at one specific aspect of a project in order to find a definitive solution, rather than grazing the top of several problems.

The final project is titled “How will the implementation of CHAMPS affect Tier behaviors and math scores in 4th graders at Story Elementary”.  Two of the 4th grade teachers will be helping me collect my data to be analyzed. For the first semester, I will look at the Tier behaviors; Tier 1 behaviors are everyday behaviors with reminders to stay on task or to stop talking; Tier 2 behaviors are repetitive behaviors that continue after discussing with parents, or detention; Tier 3 behaviors are severe behaviors exhibited that create a dangerous environment, results in suspension, or result in expulsion. After analyzing school data, I will analyze math scores for the first 9 weeks. After organizing the data from the first semester, I will wait to look at data at the end of the year.

In January, the teachers will be trained through Region 10 on the CHAMPS behavior management program. Once the 2 day training has been completed, teacher will implement the CHAMPS program during the month of January.  I have already been trained in the program, so I will be the teacher’s resource if questions or concerns about the program arise.

In May, when the last 9 weeks grades have been turned in, I will begin the 2nd phase of my project. I will analyze the Tier behaviors in the same manner completed after the first 9 weeks. I will also look at the math scores from the last 9 weeks. All information will be compiled in an organized manner for review.

Once the data has been organized, I will compare the Tier behaviors from the first 9 weeks and the last 9 weeks. I will also compare math scores of each student to identify if scores increased or decreased. I will then look at the students who have Tier 2 and 3 behaviors to see if behaviors and math scores have a correlation.

Once the data is compiled, I will give an in-service on my findings when we return in August. I want to present the staff with the data found to solidify the school’s behavior management change.